News Flash
Images from Love's Freeway will be on display this weekend!!For the first time, original Love's Freeway note cards and prints will be available for viewing and for purchase this Saturday, November 11, in the Ballroom of the Gamble Mansion. Come on down to 5 Commonwealth Avenue--a stone's throw from the Boston Public Garden--anytime between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to feast your eyes! To feel the Love! To share the Love! This milestone is occurring in conjunction with the 2nd annual BCAE Holiday Sale, which will also feature pottery, jewelry, chocolates, holiday ornaments, stained glass, spices and sauces, plants, scarves, and more.
I did not seek out this show; it came and found me. And I signed on within minutes of learning about it. Count all this as another great big chunk of evidence for how well Love knows its way! I do hope you'll join in the celebration on Saturday--in spirit, if not in body.
Now, back to the elves...
I find myself very impressed with your photography! It has such a powerful energy associated with it.
I feel as if I have been transported into a special world. I will not be able to attend this show though because I will be teaching a Shamballa Class that Saturday but Best of Luck to You Kathryn!
I know that this show will go very smoothly for you and lovesfreeway.
How inspiring to visit Love's Freeway! You and I are on the same track, again, that tickling Way life has of plopping not just one plum, but more than you can eat, at your feet, that delicious...aaah, loss for words.
When I first moved to this house, the peaches were dropping from the little peach tree in the dooryard outside the room that is now my jewelry studio.
That kind of thing.
Best of luck with your lovely, exquisite, I'm-jealous-over-how-great-they-are photos.
You continue to be a huge inspiration to me.
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