Writers Write, Right?
I'm pleased to share another former writer-client/student's publishing success--and in doing so, my own as well! This post will be of special interest to the writers out there who are wearing down pencils (or keys), filling up wastebaskets (virtual or otherwise), or pulling their hair trying to get something inside out. There is hope! Help has arrived! You just have get on down to your local bookseller and pick up Sherry Ellis' new NOW WRITE! Nonfiction. This treasure trove of motivating, inspiring, and illuminating writing exercises published by Tarcher/Penguin late last year is widely available and sitting out there ready and waiting to inspire YOU! From voice to craft to revision--and lots in between--this book's got something for every writer, for sure.Yes, it's a fabulous resource, and for me a fabulous p
rivilege to be one of its contributing writers, sharing such esteemed company as (my teachers) Carole Maso and Kathleen Spivack, as well as Eric Maisel and Gay Talese. Many thanks to Sherry for her time, effort and commitment to bringing forth this exceptional writing resource.Just buy it. Use it! And if ever fails you, I know a writer- coach (wink) who might be able to help.
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