More Earth Medicine
On my arm, I found a tiny red dot: no biggie. I thought "stinger," and half remembered something I'd heard about them. I started squeezing on either side of the red dot: if there was a stinger, I should remove it, I was thinking. But that maneuver only served to bring on the heat! Burn, burn: did it ever burn! I ransacked my brain for some folk wisdom that might help. And by grace or luck, I found it: "clay draws," I heard. And lickety-split, off I went to make a little paste of it to smear onto my red-hot skin.
I'm quite sure I didn't know clay existed when I was last stung (whenever that was). I think we used ice on them in those days--which isn't a bad anesthetic, but it doesn't take the pain away; it just masks it. I don't believe I've heard anything since about using clay for stings. I think the nugget of wisdom I unearthed was snakebite related. But my brain made the leap--et voila!
Yet again, I see how well the Earth knows her way with herself. Of course she does. And I am grateful to be privy to that wisdom.
Kathryn, the ice and clay actually are both effective at relieving the inflammation and pain of the sting. And they are both effective because of water. Water is the most important element of the ancient wisdom known as Earth Medicine. The formic acid injected by the bee into the tissue inflames that area. Inflammation means "in flames", the fire element. So how does one put out a fire?
There is more than one way to put out a fire, and throwing dirt on a fire works best in certain situations and water works best in certain situations, so which works best with a formic acid fire in your tissues? Easy to figure out. If you put dry clay, absolutely dry, on it you will find that it does nothing. If you stick the inflamed area in a water bath or apply a water compress to the area you will experience the relief desired.
The magical matrix of clay's molecular structure provides the sponge like quality that allows clay to hold the water and allow the water to quench the inflammation. In addition the clay makes water even more effective, but without water, the clay has no effect.
The miraculous magic of mud for healing is such a gift from Creator. I must honor you and appreciate you for sharing this sacred knowledge with others. Because as the bible teaches, "For lack of knowledge our people suffer."
Here's a link to my Earth Medicine Blog where you can read more about the healing power of clay.
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