Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Sharing the Love

I invite all Boston-area friends of the Freeway to come on down to Chestnut Hill Mall between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on May 22 & 23, and see what's hot to trot on Love's Freeway. I will be flanked by other of my fellow Jamaica Plain artists (about 30 of us in all) so there will be plenty of art to view--and to buy, if something strikes your fancy. I'll be displaying over 100 original images in varying formats (cards, books, bookmarks, framed and unframed prints) ranging in price from $1 to $100.

Is someone in your life graduating this month? Have an important birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a great opportunity to find a unique gift for that special someone. And if you don't have an occasion coming up, come by anyway to browse. A few deep breaths, a little inspiration: who knows what you might take away.

Hope to see you there!


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