Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Random Notes on Causation

Each and every aspect of my life's experience is drawn to me by the thoughts I think, by the story I tell about my life--and my feelings about these. Assets or debt, wellness or illness, clarity or confusion, good treatment or bad, safety or danger, happiness or misery are because of the stories that I tell, whether silently or aloud.

"I try to use the Law of Attraction..." said a client to me the other day. "We can't NOT use it," I responded. For good or ill, we are always attracting something and repelling something else by virtue of what we are thinking and not thinking.

Something showing up that you like? Ask, "What was I thinking?!"

Something showing up that you don't like? Ask, "What was I thinking!?"

Abundance charms, manifesting mantras and the like are unnecessary when there is no belief, no thought of "not x" (fill in the x). It's only someone sorely aware of lack who walks around reciting, "I am prospered now," or equivalent. People who are wealthy or beautiful or talented or well loved, say, don't run around telling themselves they are (as if they might forget it): they just be it, and don't give it a moment's thought--except, perhaps, to be grateful.

Like what you see in your midst? Keep thinking and not thinking what you're thinking and not thinking.
Don't like what you see in your midst? Stop thinking and not thinking what you're thinking and not thinking. Think something else.

Always has been; ever shall be.

What story are you telling? Love it--or leave it!


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