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It might well be the "Life Changing Loaf of Bread" that set all this in motion. This flourless, eggless, leaven-free marvel that crossed my path about a month ago was frankly love at first bite. It surprised me how wildly empowering and inspiring it was to take control of the wholesome (fresh, pure, organic, raw, etc.) quotient of My Daily Bread. The next thing I knew I was Googling "lemon curd recipe" with a passion, intent to invent a comparatively healthier version (than the one I've enjoyed for years from Trader Joe's) fit to spread on my wondrous bread. Which I did: I found a basic recipe and adapted it with smashing results. Organic lemons, Irish butter, extra virgin organic coconut oil, organic free-range eggs, 100% pure maple syrup or raw sugar in place of refined white (plus a little chia seed I threw in for thickening before I realized the cooking part would take care of that--hey, a little power-packed antioxidant boost
Maybe this was all inevitable from day one, the day my father invented "mute" by attaching a switch to a wire and hooking that up to our TV set. That was the end of the "commercial" part of commercial TV for us. Then years later, I stopped watching TV pretty much altogether--stopped reading newspapers, too. Which is all to say it's hard to be swayed by advertising when you don't see or hear it! No, I have no allegiance to brands. Quite the contrary, in fact. Did mothers really choose Jif peanut butter or Wonder Bread on some paid actor's say so?
I've shopped the bulk bins for a long time both for ecological and economical reasons, but this "make your own" adventure of late has blasted me into other departments as well. Liquid cleansers, air fresheners, germ killers, face creams, hair conditioners--what a kick it is to mix these up, easily and from the same handful of simple ingredients no less.
I realize Draino and Liquid Plumber and such were someone's invented solution to a common household problem. But then as soon as there's money to be made by such a solution, well it's off to the races, isn't it? Advertising is costly. They need to sell sell sell to foot the bill. So it's inevitable, I think: sales becomes less about meeting our needs and more about making money. This is a gross simplification of the loop, but you get idea. Meanwhile, these "liquid plumbers" are toxic. Have you ever used one of these harsh drain cleaners? Probably yes. I know I have. Despite the fact that we'd never deliberately pour poisons into our oceans.
We had this all figured out before our shelves full of products came along. The basic five worked. They still work. But marketing and advertising came along to tell us we needed something else, something "new and improved," and we needed to go buy it--in a bottle (or box or jar or bag)--at the store. Yes, to make matters worse, buying commercial products--even generic ones--unavoidably means packaging. Packaging requires extra resources: to make the packaging, to ship the packaging, to dispose of the packaging. (See "The Story of Stuff" for a more complete picture of all this.) Meanwhile, our innovations, in a mere hundred or so years, have caused a lot of damage to our Mother Earth. I want to help reverse that.
Today I grabbed a just-finished dish washing liquid dispenser and proceeded to whip up my first batch of home-brew toilet bowl cleaner: very exciting!
Works like a charm! Fresh, clean, shiny--and no harsh, harmful chemicals required! NOTE: this recipe card reads 1 tsp. of essential oils, whereas the webpage (link) indicates 8-10 drops. You be the judge.
Here's another option, a DIY "soft scrub:"
2 parts baking soda
1 part olive oil
essential oil (approx 1/8 tsp per cup)
Many essential oils, such as lavender, clove, and tea tree oil are excellent natural fungicides and germicides, with antiseptic properties. Plus, they smell great! There's nothing like a little aromatherapy to sweeten our chores.
How about this for a quick-and-easy all-purpose cleaner to wipe down surfaces and such:
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
1/2 cup water
12-24 drops of lavender essential oil
As for an easy eco-friendly alternative to commercial "liquid plumber." When your drain starts to get slow, put the kettle on. Most times a good flushing with boiling water is all that's needed to open the flow. If you've waited too long, you'll need to get out the baking soda and vinegar:
- Pour a pot of boiling hot water down your drain.
- Dump in about 1/2 c. baking soda. Let that sit for a few minutes.
- Then, pour a mixture of 1 c. vinegar and 1. c very hot water down on top of the baking soda.
- Cover with a drain plug (to keep the reaction down below the drain surface) if you have one and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Flush one more time with a pot of boiling water.
You'll find plenty of make-your-own recipes and tips all over the net. Here are a few resources to start you off:
Care to Make a Difference
Crunch Betty
Sew Creative
All these recipes are easy (I like easy) and quick. They're good for us and good for the Planet. They cost less than store bought, and require less space in your cupboards. My goodness: what's not to love about that? Maybe you are three steps ahead of me, and I have come late to this party. Well if so, better late than never!
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